02 August 2006

Monday morning fishing

After my recent rant about deciding to follow some creative leanings and not allowing my whole life be bound up with the have-to-dos, the very next thing I did was -- well, not creative, but I wasn't work either. Tal and I rose early Monday morning and went fishing!

When we arrived at the Derrick pond, it was almost light. I had the camera with me and was set up and poised for a dramatic sunrise. The light continued to change, the sky's color intensified a bit, and then ...

And then, everything went gray with amazing speed. What you see here is a before and an after, a photo taken shortly following our arrival at the pond and one shot as we departed.

But, this was a fishing trip with photography on the side, not the other way around. While the dawn got off to a fast start and fizzled, the fishing got off to a terribly slow start, but it improved dramatically.

Quite dramatically. While Tal outfished me hands down, that's one of my fish he's displaying for the camera.

No, we didn't have fish and grits for breakfast. We dined at the local Huddle House, reveling in our fish stories -- the new ones and the old ones.


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