24 June 2007

Leaving latitiude 51

Well, it's Sunday and someone else is leading worship at the Church of the Ridge, a great someone, by the way, who also officiated a funeral this week in my absence. It feels odd not to be there, but to quote -- sort of -- a song released in the past 20 years or so, we're all under the same sky. Anyway, the bags are packed and out of our cabin. Breakfast is smelling heavenly and I would imagine there's activity on the dock at Blue Water Aviation 60 miles south.

Yesterday, our last day on the water, was a memorable one. We fished quietly before a shore , catching a few fish AND discovering a massive beaver dam, pictured here.

Following a delicious lunch of fried walleye, with six boats parked picturesquely on the rocky shore of the island, we took one last ride to Spring Fever Bay, one of our first and most favorite fishing sites. It was there that the Tarbox Fishing Guide Service did herself proud! ...

Tal caught fish until he just couldn't make one more cast. What a great ending to this trip. Once back at the lodge, we unloaded the boat at our dock and I motored it over to the beach and turned it in. No need to go out again. Sigh ...


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