19 May 2005

Trying something new

The woman at the front of the room was positive and clear. Clergy -- in her estimation -- are missing out on one of the best and simplest ways of staying in touch with the people in their charge. Clergy are not taking advantage of a new tool which can help them to have an influence on their congregations beyond the occasional sermon or program. She introduced the web log (of Swiftboat fame? or was that the Texas Air National Guard?) and claimed many people would read, be strengthened and become more willing to engage theologically were each of us to establish one.

I resist. Being 51, I am an ink and paper kind of person. In spite of arthritis in my left/writing hand, a journal is supposed to be written. Although the computer is a central part of my life, do I want it to be MORE part of my life? The doubts stumble over themselves. Doubts like: Who cares what I'm thinking about?; I don't want to clutter up anyone's life; Do I really have anything to add to everything else that's been/that is being said?

Plus, there's the time involved in learning how to carry on a web log. I can make absolutely anything hard. And, everything takes me so infernally long, particularly since BellSouth cares not one bit that those of us living outside town would like to move from dialup to DSL. Every online mistake requires the long, slow process of waiting for each and every screen laboriously- - inch by inch -- to disappear and reappear.

On the other hand. I am the one feeling a little reservation about an upcoming vacation. What a novel, disarming way to invite the congregation to experience a bit of what we do during those three weeks. What a great possibility to share experiences, photos, insights. I feel a rush of energy and optimism just thinking about it. There is a creative, expansive person here somewhere. Squished, crushed, relegated to the background. I think I'll try letting her out. It might as well be now and it might as well be in this mysterious new medium.

Just under three weeks until we leave. Plenty of time to work the bugs out and to make sure those with PCs and those with Macs can locate the log and sign in. Enough time to ask them to try something new with me. Perhaps after vacation we'll all be used to the web log and it can, indeed, be a place where I can offer more of myself and of the faith to them. Who knows ... maybe someone might even offer some thought of their own in response.

I have a suspicion, even before I get underway, that the woman at the front of the room was right! Thanks, Dora Jane.


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